Python Fundamentals
Blog post description.
Daniel Afkhami-Ardekani
11/17/20241 min read
#Data Types
int = an integer
float = Floating point number
str = string, which is written in "" or ''
You can also use three quotes like this ''' some string ''' for longer strings, like if you have multiple sentences or paragraphs.
Classes > custom types
Specialized Data Types
None = the absence of value
#Operator precedence
An expression is a piece of code that produces a value
is an entire line of code that performs some sort of action
#Augmented Assignment Operator
allows the user to use two operators as one to produce an outcome.
For example:
some_value = 5
some_value = (some_value + 2)
Instead of the former, we could do some_value += 2. The += is an example of an Augmented Assignment Operator.
other examples are -= and /=
#String Concatenation
You can add more than one string. for example: print("Hello" + " " + "Daniel")
#Type Conversion
You can convert data types from one type to another.
For example, if you assign the datatype str to 100 as such: str(100) then did print(str(100)), you will not get an error.
Python now identifies (100) as str, and if you print(type(str(100))), Python will tell you the data type, which is str.
#Escape sequences
\ = tells python anything after the \ is a str.
\n = tells Python anything after the \n is a string and to start a new line.
\t = tells Python anything after the \t is a string and to tab the line.
#Formatted strings
If you want a more formatted string, you can use (f).
For example, print("hi" + name + ". You are " + str(age) + " years old.") However, with the format indicator, you can make this much cleaner.
print(f"hi {name}. You are {age} years old"). This will print the same thing but is now cleaner and more dynamic.
Strings in Python are immutable; they cannot be changed.
For Example:
number_set = "01234567"
number_set[0] = "4"
You will get an assignment error because you are trying to reassign the index of [0] with a new value.
This cannot be done because Python strings are immutable.